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K.O.d lawn service

What is K.o.D.L.S?

Mission Statement: At K.O.D Lawn Service LLC we take pride in providing only the best professionals in landscaping and lawn care. It is out goal to satisfy our customers request for a beautiful lawn that will accentuate their home.

Consistent: We are sure to be there for you whenever you need us. We make it easy to schedule appointments, reminders are sent out keeping the customer informed about meeting times, and rescheduling is never an issue.

Result-Oriented: A results-oriented approach we prioritizes actions and outcomes. Before we start working on any service we make sure to get a throughout understanding of what the customer wants, and make sure they understand what we have to offer. As a performance-driven company we are motivated by team success and driving better business outcomes.

Transparent: Workplace culture emphasizes clear communication and sharing information. This can manifest in a variety of ways. We make sure to provide amazing customer service to support all of our customers.

Contact us today at 769-888-0099 to book your service.

A link about your appointment will be sent to your phone informing you about your appointment. If no one answers the call, or you are sent to voicemail, please send a text message and we will get back to you asap.

Business Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00AM - 12:00PM

Saturday and Sunday will be used as make up day in case of bad weather, and for big project jobs that require multiple hours to accomplish.